Are you looking for a convenient and discreet way to maintain the results of your orthodontic treatment? Look no further than Invisalign retainers. These custom-made, clear plastic trays are designed to keep your teeth corrected without drawing attention.

Once you have achieved a beautiful smile through orthodontic treatment, committing to wearing your retainer is crucial to maintain your results and preventing any relapse. Without adequate stabilization time, your teeth may try to shift back to their original positions. Additionally, wearing your retainers helps counteract natural physiological drift, which occurs as we age and can cause our smiles to narrow and teeth to crowd. The duration of retainer usage varies depending on individual factors, but the general advice is to wear them for as long as you desire to keep your teeth straight.

Maintenance and Instructions for Hawley and ESSIX Retainers

To ensure the success of your orthodontic treatment, it is crucial to take proper care of your retainers through daily maintenance and following the instructions provided by your dental professional. This includes cleaning your retainers regularly and handling them with care to prevent damage. By diligently wearing your retainers as instructed, you can maintain the desired alignment of your teeth and achieve long-lasting results from your orthodontic treatment.

  • Wear as prescribed by your dental professional.
  • Take out your retainers before eating and store them safely in their case. Retainers are often lost in school lunchrooms or restaurants, so keeping them protected is essential. By following these instructions, you can maintain the integrity of your retainers and ensure the success of your orthodontic treatment.
  • To keep your retainers clean and free from plaque and odors, it’s essential to clean them thoroughly once a day. Use a toothbrush and liquid hand soap to brush the retainers gently. Warm water is recommended for cleaning, but avoid using hot water. While orthodontic appliance cleaners like Efferdent can be used, it’s essential to note that they should not replace brushing. Regular brushing with soap and water remains a crucial step in maintaining the cleanliness of your retainers.
  • To protect your retainers and prevent them from being damaged or lost, always keep them in their designated retainer case when they are not worn. This helps to deter pets from chewing on them and ensures they are not accidentally thrown away when wrapped in a napkin during a meal. Remember, replacing retainers can be expensive, but with proper care and storage in the retainer case, they can last for years. So make it a habit to keep your retainers safely stored in their case to maintain their longevity.
  • Engaging in a regular practice of speaking, reading, or even singing aloud can significantly aid in the adjustment to wearing retainers. While speaking with the retainers in your mouth may initially feel challenging, consistent practice will help you adapt and become more comfortable. So, make it a habit to practice speaking with your retainers actively, and you’ll gradually find it easier to articulate and communicate effectively.
  • Handle your retainers with utmost care to prevent any damage or loss. If your retainers accidentally break or go missing, it is crucial to contact us promptly. Delaying action can result in teeth shifting and potentially necessitate braces to restore alignment.
  • To ensure your retainers’ proper fit and effectiveness, you must refrain from attempting any adjustments on your own. Please contact our office if you notice any discomfort or feel that your retainers need to be adjusted. For sports activities such as swimming, skiing, or contact sports, removing your retainers to protect them from damage is essential.
  • Avoid heat. Keeping retainers away from hot water and hot car dashboards is essential.
  • Remember to bring your retainers to your appointments so our dental professionals can assess their fit and condition.

Fixed Retainers

  • Incorporate a floss threader into your oral hygiene routine to effectively clean underneath the wire of your retainer. While it may require some additional effort, using a floss threader will help protect your teeth and maintain the effectiveness of your retainer as a reliable orthodontic device.
  • Incorporate a Waterpik into your oral hygiene routine to effectively clean your teeth, especially when you have a fixed retainer. The waterpik can help maintain cleanliness and prevent any buildup around the retainer. Suppose you ever notice any issues, such as a loose side or discomfort that could lead to teeth shifting. In that case, it is essential to contact our office promptly and schedule an appointment for a professional evaluation. Additionally, your dentist may recommend extra cleanings to ensure the area remains clean and healthy.
  • Exercise caution when biting into hard objects such as nuts and carrots, as fixed retainers, while durable, can still be susceptible to breakage. To prevent any damage or potential loosening of the retainer, it is advisable to avoid using your front teeth for biting into tough foods.
  • Prioritize maintaining good oral hygiene to keep your teeth and gums healthy, especially when dealing with a fixed retainer. If you find it challenging to clean effectively with the fixed retainer in place, we suggest switching to a removable retainer that allows for easier brushing and flossing.
  • Patients are advised to take care of their retainers to prevent additional costs. Dental professionals typically offer coverage for the first year, but any repairs or replacements beyond that period become the patient’s responsibility.